Anthologizing Heterophonies: A Critical Study of Anthologies of Tang Poetry in the Late Ming Period
內戰時期香港少年兒童副刊研究 (Research on Newspaper Supplements for Children in Hong Kong During the Civil War)
In Search of Chinese Lyricism: The Conception of “Chinese Lyrical Tradition” in Modern Studies of Chinese Literature
Assessing the Impact of Sanskrit on the Chinese Language: Creating a Database of Chinese Buddhist Translations and their Sanskrit Parallels to Facilitate Research in Historical Chinese Linguistics through Contrastive Analysis 漢譯佛經梵漢對比分析語料庫建設及其漢語歷史語言學研究
A Study of Hong Kong Literature under Japanese Occupation: “Peace Literature”, Dai Wangshu, Ye Lingfeng and Other Authors
A Typological and Sociolinguistic Study of The Gelong Language Spoken in Western Hainan
Models of Trilingual Education in Ethnic Minority Regions of China
Speech-Print Awareness in Chinese Word Reading Development
Linguistic Analysis of Mid-20th Century Hong Kong Cantonese by Constructing an Annotated Spoken Corpus
蔡元培紅學範式研究:從文學研究史的角度看 (A Study of Cai Yuanpei's Redology Paradigm: From a Perspective of History of Literary Studies)
The association of visual-spatial attention to word reading and reading difficulties in Hong Kong Chinese children: A three-year longitudinal study 香港漢語兒童視覺空間注意與詞語閱讀及閱讀困難之間的關係:一項為期三年的縱向研究 (ECS HKIEd858113)
Inspirations and Challenges from Silk and Bamboo-slip Texts: Philosophical Investigation Based on Interdisciplinary Researches (Phase 2)
Trilingual education in Hong Kong primary schools: English, Cantonese and Putonghua as Medium of Instruction in different subjects and implications for language learning
A one-year intervention program to target Hong Kong bilingual children’s oral vocabulary and phonological awareness in English
A comprehensive study of Yizhoushu with transmitted and discovered Texts 《逸周書》與傳世、出土文獻的綜合研究
A Study on Dialect Literature Movement in Post-war Hong Kong 戰後香港方言文學運動研究
Narrative Development in School-age South Asian Children in Hong Kong 香港南亞裔學童的敘事能力發展
Leung Ping-kwan’s Literary Works and Hong Kong Modernism 梁秉鈞的文學作品與香港現代主義
Whitman on the Grid: Surveillance, Democracy and the Autobiographical Moment in Contemporary American Literature 座標上的惠特曼:當代美國文學的監控、民主、與自傳
Ghosts and Spirits, Etiquette and Idea of "Way of Literature"--Focus on Northern Song Literati Ouyang Xiu, Zeng Gong and Su Shi 鬼神.禮法與文道觀念──以北宋文人歐陽修、曾鞏、蘇軾為中心
Lexical Selection in Young Trilingual Speakers 香港兒童粵英普三語交替轉換能力之研究
What Makes a Sound Pattern Learnable? An Investigation of the Cognitive Limitations of Pattern Learning 語音模式為什麼可以學習 — 模式學習的認知限制研究
Translator Professionalism in East Asia: Perspectives from Practitioners and Clients 譯者的專業地位:東亞地區譯者及翻譯委託人之觀點
A Study on Joseph Yau and City Magazine: The Written Languages and Identities of Hong Kong in 1970s-80s 丘世文及《號外》研究:香港七、八十年代的書寫語言及身分認同